Exhibition Brief

Barbershop Exhibition

Location: Queanbeyan Museum
Opening: 1 December 2010
Team members: Janice Farrer, Jana Jonson, Penny Hyde and George Nitsis.

Exhibition scope:

This exhibition will explore the role of a barbershop in a small community like Queanbeyan NSW. The exhibition will feature items belonging to Mr Hardwicke, a local Queanbeyan barber who owned a barber shop on Monaro St. The exhibition will look in detail at the 5 services offered at an early 20th century barber shop. These being: haircuts, manicures, shaving, shoe polishing and a tobacconist.

Exhibition plan:

Exhibition will consist of an introductory information panel providing background information on Hardwicke and the role of a barber shop in the Queanbeyan community. Supplementary information panels will accompany each set of objects providing more detailed information relating to individual items.

Display will also consist of one enlarged photograph of Mr Hardwicke’s shop and a prop barber pole.


Budget for production of text panels is minimal (under $100). Production is yet to be determined (by QBN Museum or AWM).
Prop fabrication $50
Display elements $0 (this will be provided by QBN Museum)
Invitation production $30 (Designed in-house and independently produced)

Total budget: $180


Brief completed                                                          Wednesday, 20 October        
Research completed                                                   Friday, 29 October
Rough text completed                                                Friday, 12 November
Invitation signed off and sent out                               Friday, 20 November
Text finalised and approved by QBN museum           Friday, 20 November
Prop and text panel completion                                 Wednesday, 17 November
Install                                                                          Wednesday, 24 November
Launch                                                                         Wednesday, 1 December

Physical requirements:

Large introductory text panel (x1) approx 60cm (h) x 40cm (w)
Mounted enlarged photograph (x1) approx 25cm (h) x 40cm (w)
Prop barber shop pole (x1) approx 60cm in height (length of large introductory panel)
Small information panels/ object descriptors (x4) maximum 15cm (h) x 15cm (w)

Square, raised display cabinet with Perspex lid.  Object mountings (TBD- must liaise with QBN Museum).

Existing museum lighting will need to be re-directed over case.

Condition reports:

Condition reports have been created for items and are attached. Each condition report outlines handling instructions and includes loan agreements.

Team roles:

Janice Farrer (team leader) – Exhibition brief, meeting minutes, condition reports, prepare and deliver exhibition introduction at launch.
Jana Johnson (design) – Create and administrate team online blog, develop and build prop and display requirements, design and produce exhibition invitation
Penny Hyde (conservation)- Asses donated items, make recommendation of items to use, generate condition report template, take detailed photographs of items and write condition reports.
George Nitsis (content development) – Undertake detailed research into each items, prepare background information on Mr Hardwicke, prepare drafts on text panels. 


Installation will take place on 24th November 2010. Install will require:
Mounting of introductory panel, photograph and prop on wall
Movement and positioning of display case
Preparation of case including cleaning of case and installation of object bases
Installation of objects and supplementary text panels.

All team members will be present at this time will the following allocation of responsibility:

Janice: Installation of text panels
Jana: Installation of prop pole and photograph
Penny: Installation of objects (white cotton gloves required)
George: Movement and preparation of display case

OH&S issues: Movements of display case must be done by person trained in manual handling procedures. Items will be installed using two people (one object handler, one support person).
Security issues: nil
Clothing and equipment: all staff must be wearing closed toe shoes and no loose fitting (baggy) clothing. When handling objects white cotton gloves MUST be worn.


Items must be removed as per care instructions stated in condition reports. Items are to be housed in QBN Museum storage.