Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Meeting: Monday, 11th October

Hey Guys here are the minutes from our meeting on 11th October:

Project updates:

Jana- has created blog and is beginning work on design elements of project.
Penny- working through condition reports. Any not completed by end of week will be forwarded on to Janice for completion.
Janice- started work on project brief, timeline etc.
George- still sick but will begin work on item research next week.

Items for discussion:
-Barber pole? How will be responsible (Jana?) what materials will need to be sourced.
-Change to display cabinet: Jana and Janice discussed the suitability of our display cabinet and suggest we look for alternate case at next QBN session.

Deadline for text panel production, prop and display fixtures is 17th November.
Install on 24th November.


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